Archive for the ‘Writting’ Category

Writing Keeps Me Sane!

Posted: 6 July, 2016 in Comment, Life, Writting

In these difficult times both at work and world around me the only thing we is keeping me sane and keeps me going is my writing. As without my writing there would be no way to allow those emotions which would fester and aggravate my depression would go bouncing around my head getting worse.

It is ironic when times in the world get difficult it can also be in a weird way be inspiration for writing currently especially with myself and my role-playing games. Now it would be nice to find a real focus for this creativity in a more positive way to counteract the negative world around us currently.

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal scrapbook of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to Experiment No. 3.

Getting Back to the Habit!

Posted: 21 September, 2015 in Comment, Life, Writting

As I finally got my holiday from work it is time to catch up with long overdue blog entries and writing for set up of a role-playing games when I actually find the role-players locally. On top of which I need to get back to the habit of writing as it does do me good and gives a purpose to my life which currently feels like it is barren and empty.

This in itself is currently difficult as I am fighting my depression again which is currently detracting myself from the people and world around me once again. It has come the time again to force myself to reconnect with people and world out there and this blog is one of the ways I do it.

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal scrapbook of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to Experiment No. 3.

Please Note: If you are interested in my small social network just follow the link to Bubbles in the Quantum Static.

Lonely Times Writing!

Posted: 17 May, 2015 in Comment, Life, Writting

Just some times when I sit in front of my laptop writing my journals I feel more alone and remote from the world around me even knowing that someone reads the journal entries.

But I think because the fact actually writing is something you have to by yourself that is either you are by yourself with a laptop or piece of paper in front of you it fires my depression because of that. It’s the fact that you get no real feed back instantly or feels like you have actually achieved or created anything as such.

All this not helped by the fact anything I have done with my life has had a more tangible result to it be it computer programming to merchandising a shop. That is you can actually see what you have created and achieved by doing something.

I still have to get my mind around writing itself is a very personal affair which the results are just ideas and the such in words which can be read by others so it has not real tangible result as the other things I have done elsewhere in my life.

So sometimes I feel both so lonely writing and if I have not achieved a thing regardless of the fact I have!

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal scrapbook of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to Experiment No. 3.

Even I know that people read the things I write in my journals and elsewhere currently it really feels like I am still alone and not connected with anyone.

I suspect that it is the very nature of writing and the process of creating it which involves either sitting in front of a computer or piece of paper with a pen alone. Added to a fact that you are writing what is inside of your own mind and imagination which is again a very personal thing until it is written down on the computer screen or paper. That in the end it makes me feel really disconnected to the people who read the things I write on my journal and elsewhere.

What does not help my feeling is my depression which always has made me feel disconnected from the world around me even if I am interacting with it on an everyday basis.

Writing for me is a big paradox in so much it helps me with my depression as it gets things out of my mind but it does not directly connect me to the people who read it but only by the words themselves. I both enjoy writing and the fact that people read it but I do not find very pleasant the fact that I have to sit alone in front of a computer to write.

So as much things with my life writing is another paradox I have to live with in what I call my life!

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal scrapbook of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to Experiment No. 3.

Please Note: If you are interested in my small social network just follow the link to On the Other Side!.

For someone who hates writing I seam to do a lot of it on my blog and elsewhere!

Rather than writing less as I grow older I am starting to write more and more for various reasons most of the time to express the frustration I have with the world and people around me. But more and more about how wondrous the world can be though still the minority of my writing still.

This has been something slowly creeping over me over the years as I have grown older especially as I was over 40 and started to blog more seriously. All helped by the fact that I finally did something about my depression which seamed to allow me to write easier.

I’m never going to be good writer as I tend to write from my heart and ramble at times but that is just due to lack of practice and focus at times as I can to writing blogs very late in life.

I suspect the hatred of writing came from my school days during which I was put off writing and expressing myself by a system which both poorly taught it and made it difficult for the young to express themselves in an oppressive atmosphere propagated both they the teaches and fellow students themselves!

This has for most of my life coloured my perception of my own ability to write anything down effectively until one day I thought to the hell with it I’ll write what I need and want to write regardless of what people think.

As I said I am never going to be a good writer but a happy writer who writes from his heart and experience of life!

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal scrapbook of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to Experiment No. 3.

Please Note: I also have a small personal social network which is invitation only just follow the link to Luther’s Chosen Few.