Archive for the ‘creativity’ Category

When You Stop Worrying!

Posted: 24 September, 2015 in Comment, creativity, Life

After a few months racking my brain what sort of Role-Playing Game I was going to run when I return back to playing and running games again with little and on success, inspiration finally struck out of the blue.

But as always it is the way I work and mainly because I finally stopped worrying about the fact that I was not getting any ideas for a Role-Playing Games in general. All not helped I was far too focused on the rules systems rather than the actual game I would like to run.

It is a lesson learnt my end not to worry about the fact I am not creative my end for periods of time and allow it to naturally come to me as it always does. Plus I should not worry if only half incomplete ideas are written down as they will be basis of later more complete ideas when inspiration finally strikes me down.

It is at my end of learning to be patient with myself and my creative side as the saying goes Rome was not build in a day is allow it flow out as it comes and not to worry when it is not flowing.

Once again I still have lot to learn about myself even at my age!

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal scrapbook of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to Experiment No. 3.

Please Note: If you are interested in my small social network just follow the link to Bubbles in the Quantum Static.