Archive for the ‘Google+’ Category

I finally got an invite to Google+ beta via the back door and finally got a chance to play around with it. So far I’m mildly impressed though I do have some reservations about Google+’s front end.

As a Social Web Site Google+ has a definite plus over it’s major rival Facebook in so much currently it has no applications to distract from the fact that it’s major function is to allow people to socialize and not play silly games.

Add to this the fact that the privacy settings of Google+ are far more simple to use and make more sense than the way Facebook’s privacy setting ever did even after they tweaked them in an attempt to make them easier.

The only downsides being the usual uninspiring front end, which does work well, but has the poor looks of all Google attempts at creating web sites and the fact it has been created by Google. Google currently does not have the best reputation as a major Computer Corporation the way it treats users and actually does it business.

As a final point Google+ has already fell foul of Second Life Avatars in so much Google+ has deleted the Avatar profiles with the same excuse as Facebook claiming that they are not real. Once again it will be their loss not Second Life’s loss which once again will become stronger. But at least Google+ have made their position clear from the start unlike Facebook.

In conclusion Google+ could have a very good future if Google do things right and is highly likely could be a very major rival to Facebook but not Twitter as some people have said.

Please note: If want to see my second life journal then go to the Journal of a Spectral Traveller.