Archive for the ‘Oxwall’ Category

After yet another bad experience with updating Oxwall and it plugins, I finally abandoned my Oxwall based small social next work to replace it with a WordPress based small social network based around Buddypress.

I was very disappointed with Oxwall as other than that it certainly did it’s job and easy to set up but the maintenance problems it had spoilt it’s usability to a point it was more trouble to use. I think what did not help Oxwall were it’s lack of control of the quality of it’s plugins, especially the useful ones, which certainly detracted from it’s usability.

I am replacing it with a WordPress based small social network basically because WordPress plugins seemly more controlled and vetted by WordPress which means from my experience the updating and maintenance of the plugins is a lot easier and less troubled by major faults and issues.

Oxwall in the end may be a good idea for small social networks but due to it’s lack of quality control of it’s plugins spoilt it to a point it is difficult to maintain over time which is great shame!

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal scrapbook of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to Experiment No. 3.

Please Note: If you are interested in my small social network just follow the link to On the Other Side!.