Archive for the ‘Desktops’ Category

One of my Crunchbang Linux computers, Scooby-Doo, needed a few tweaks to bring it in line with other Crunchbang Linux computer in so much removing a lot of the unnecessary wood to generally speed up the computer and take the computer more responsive.

So now I have new desktop without the two menu bars which suits my needs better.

Scoody-Doo Desktop 16.01.2013

Desktop Revised!

Posted: 30 October, 2012 in Computer, Desktops, Linux, Operating System

As per usual I cannot resist messing around with my Linux Desktops as it is so easy and fun to do.

So the following is the new desktop of my shaggy Fuduntu Laptop:


Please Note: If want to view my Second Life Journal then go to the Journal of a Spectral Traveller.

Please Note: If want to view a Second Life Wikipedia then go to the Encyclopedia Umbra Machina.

Desktops Galore!

Posted: 6 October, 2012 in Computer, Desktops, Linux, Operating System

After few weeks of messing around with new Linux Computers setting up the desktops how I wanted, I think I have finally got there. It has been a fun few weeks learning how to use Openbox, Conky, tint2, adeskbar, wbar and much more though now it feels like a bit of a let down now the desktops are finished as what do I do now?

So here they are the desktops in all their glory though I suspect the desktops will change over time.

Desktop of Scrappy-Doo (Crunchbang Linux/Openbox):

Desktop of Scooby-Doo for the user firstcapricorn (Crunchbang Linux/Openbox):

Desktop of Scooby-Doo for the user carla (Crunchbang Linux/Openbox):

Desktop of Shaggy (Fuduntu/Gnome):

…..and yes I have named my 3 Linux computers Scrappy-Doo, Scoopy-Doo and Shaggy.

Please Note: If want to view my Second Life Journal then go to the Journal of a Spectral Traveller.

Please Note: If want to view a Second Life Wikipedia then go to the Encyclopedia Umbra Machina.