Archive for the ‘group’ Category

New Horizons and Hopes!

Posted: 9 February, 2018 in group, Role-Playing

I have started a new venture in Role-Playing which is to organise locally a group of role-players who want to play more story teller based games under the name of The Enlightened Company of Role-Players of Stafford. I have set up its presence on the internet including a web site, mini-social network and Facebook group.

It gives me a new horizon and hope that I will find like minded role-players locally who love idea of story teller based role-playing games rather than more traditional role-playing games which have far too much emphasis on combat and rules. I want a place where I can be more creative in my role-playing with people who will reciprocate this creativity for such role-playing games.

It is early days for the group and I know it will be an uphill battle to get the group off the ground but I know there are people out there who have the same passion for story telling role-playing games. The biggest battle to setting up the group is to fight myself and fight the self-doubt which will come at the start when people seam not to be interested.

But I believe and know that there are people locally who want to play more story based role-playing games plus if it does not succeed at least I tried it rather than sat around doing nothing.

For anyone who interested to look at the web sites associated with The Enlightened Company of Role-Players of Stafford just follow the urls below:

Home Page:
Mini-Social Network:

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal miscellany of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to The Abode of The Steam Powered Story Teller.

Please Note: If you are interested in my new venture a local role-playing group specialising in story telling systems just follow the link to The Enlightened Company of Role-Players of Stafford.