Archive for the ‘United States’ Category

Back to the Past!

Posted: 22 November, 2016 in Comment, Life, United Kingdom, United States

As rest of the world outside of United Kingdom and United States starts to move forward again both socially and technologically both the United Kingdom and United states are going backwards and becoming backwater countries who will be only remembered fondly by few old people!

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This Englishman is getting fed up with those pig ignorant Americans who spread lies about our country especially Donald Trump who really should know better than spread lies.

Once again I repeat to these pig ignorant Americans we do not have Muslim no go zones in any of our cities here in United Kingdom if anything you not really notice you were in a Muslim area in our cities other than odd Mosque noted more the bad parking around them than seats of extremism.

On top of this we do not live under Sharia Law even the Muslims of the United Kingdom have no plans to live under Sharia Law. If anything our Muslims are very happy to live under our laws and have never demanded our that Parliament put such laws in place.

As I said I am getting fed up of having to repeat myself to these pig ignorant Americans who keep spreading these lies and I dare them to come over to United Kingdom and see really going on here in the United Kingdom.

I suspect they will be very disappointed as they will find a real tolerant Multicultural and Multi-faith society though not perfect as we are fighting the rise of the extreme right wing here. They will find no Muslim enclaves and Mosques only in the major cities here in the United Kingdom on top of which the only people who dress as Muslim are Muslims.

If the likes of Donald Trump keep spreading these lies the issue of few angry Muslims in the Middle East will pale into insignificance by angry Englishman who will do something about these people who keep spreading lies about the United Kingdom.

We as a race to not take such insults to our country sitting down!

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I Told You So!

Posted: 23 November, 2015 in Comment, Life, Politics, United States

It was a told you so moment when Mr Trump as part of his Republican Nomination run in the United States mooted the preposterous Republican policy which basically goes along the line that all Muslims in the United States should ware a symbol in public identifying them as Muslim. This made worse by other Republicans in United States contemplating that all Muslims have to register so they can be followed and watched by the government just in case they turn out to be terrorists.

Then compound this madness the same Republicans are also mooting that the government should have the right to close down Mosques which the government thinks is being used to radicalise Muslims within the United States.

All this in a country which prided itself on freedom of religion and speech?

This should all sound familiar to us who remember 1930s Germany will remember what that Hitler’s National Socialist Party did exactly the same to the Jews in Germany. That is he forced the Jews to ware the Star of David in public to identify them which lead to open discrimination against them from non-Jews.

What Mr Trump and the Republicans of the United States are proposing to do to the Muslims is exactly the same which is all made worse by a large majority of the United States public who actually think it is acceptable!

But those of us who remember what happen to the Jews know full well once this become law within the United States it is only a matter of time when Muslims are segregated from mainstream American Society either in ghettos or internment camps.

It will only a matter of time before anyone within American society who is not Christian or right wing are targeted all in the name of security from terrorists who frankly only have had a few successful attacks all outside of the United States and in places where governments where caught napping with their security.

As I said it has been a told you so moment and some people may say I am being particularly grim and hard with my comments in this journal entry. But once again people are allowing their fear and stupidity fed by a irresponsible media sleep walk the same path as 1930s Germany with the Jews.

In the end from where I stand those in United States who say it will not happen in United States are in denial and really should wake up and act now!

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What is really starting to get on my nerves big time is the constant lies and misinformation the so called free press and media of the United States spread about the United Kingdom which is further fed too by the right wing of the United States including the Tea Party Republicans and

What lies and misinformation am I talking about?

The stories that the United Kingdom is under Sharia Law, we have no freedom of speech and most comical our media is censured by the government. As a citizen of the United Kingdom who actually lives days to day in the United Kingdom so I have first hand experience of life in modern United Kingdom I can say with my hand in heart that I see no evidence of any of these stories.

Lets start with Sharia Law here in the United Kingdom the only thing which has come up here in the United Kingdom was because we have a large Muslim population that there is talk within government circles and even Church of England, a Christian Church, that some of the principles of Sharia Law should be included in our laws here.

But considering there would be a great opposition here to this not because it is Muslim but because it is a step backwards for the country which if anything due to it multi-cultural and multi-religion nature should if anything be striving to remove such laws from our statute books as they are counter productive to the very nature of our society and rights of freedom of speech.

Add to this the Muslim Council of Great Britain has never asked for Shiria Law to be part of British Law if anything they have always been voices of moderation for the Muslims of the United Kingdom always condemning those with extreme views. In so ways they have shown more loyalty to the United Kingdom and it’s underlying principles of freedom than all the right-wing and anti-Muslim groups here in the United Kingdom.

As for the censorship of the press and media simply does not exist openly or maintained by the government which has to be apparent to even to the most stupidest people outside of the United Kingdom. Considering that we are allowed to still attack our government and it’s policies within the Press and Media without the fear of being locked up unlike other parts of the world sort of gives things away.

The only censorship we get here are by those powerful individuals, like Rupert Murdoch, who use their media empires to paint a picture of a world which reflects their political ambitions which always ends up with a twisted view of the world. Basically, unlike our Government, they have grasped the true power of the media something our governments only wake up to during war and other crisis.

While I am taking of the media I have to remind those stupid people out there that the BBC is a state run television company that is it is run by the British Government itself. Though it has always had a love, hate relationship with the British Government sometimes defying it’s pay masters and running stories which would embarrass the government in power. Though recently they have been more of a lap dog of the Government in so much they have been not printing stories which could be potentially damaging to establishment but considering currently they are fighting for their survival it is not surprising they are not going to upset anyone in government.

Finally we get to the most important thing we here in the United Kingdom still have the right of freedom of speech only tempered by the fact we do not hurt anyone else when exercising it. This is right and proper in a real multi-party representative democracy called the United Kingdom. Our government and establishment may be annoyed that we have this right but they will not remove our rights of free speech as the backlash would be very dangerous indeed for them as no real Britain would take it sitting down. As this basic principle is deeply ingrained into our Culture here in the United Kingdom we as a nation will fight for this right and we have done so in the past.

This may sound native to those people in the United States who are spreading these lies and miss information about the United Kingdom but I do have the advantage I actually live in the United Kingdom and I am smart enough not to take these lies and misinformation on their face value.

In conclusion to those people in the United States who actually believe the lies and misinformation about the United Kingdom might be idea if you rather than just believe what you told and actually get off your asses and researched if this was true.

Just give you a subtle him this citizen of the United Kingdom is getting fed up of theses lies and misinformation and even more fed up of the stupid people who believe them blindly!

As a final word to those who have read this thinking it was an attack on the Untied States and it’s people as a whole as have missed the point as it was an attack on the ignorant of the United States not the enlightened and everyday people of the United States, who like us are trying to just live our lives and make sense out of a world twisted by a media hell bent on twisting the truth for their own ends.

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You have to start and wonder about the mentality of some people who live in a democracy who believe they need a gun to defend themselves against a government that they voted into power themselves!

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal scrapbook of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to Experiment No. 3.

Please Note: I also have a small personal social network which is invitation only just follow the link to Luther’s Chosen Few.

I must not be only one here in the United Kingdom who is starting to question the special relationship our government has with United States government after recent events which include United States spying our European cousins their so called allies and their attempted military action in Syria.

My view if is high time the United Kingdom government brake the special relationship with United States as now it is starting to damage our already good name internationally because of it’s own actions which are damaging the United States international standing badly and mud sticks!

Frankly it is time the United Kingdom stopped looking west towards the United States but South to Europe where we can once again gain our true identity as a European Country. For too long the United States has attempted to stamp it’s culture and morals on our country and we should once again become a major player in Europe where a lot of our culture and history is based.

In conclusion it is time we here in the United Kingdom distance ourselves from United States as we need to as part of process to move this country forward to a brighter future and better image internationally!

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal journal of mine just follow the link to Acta Spiritu Amisso.

Once again we are here again just wondering why does the United States allow it’s citizens easy access to guns after yet another tragedy of a shooting this time at after a Connecticut school shooting left 27 dead, including 20 children some under 10 years old.

People like myself both in United Kingdom and beyond in the rest of the so called civilized world end up just wondering why the United States and it’s citizens allow this state of affairs to even exist in the first place which allowed someone to buy a gun and ammunition unchecked then them to walk into a school and shoot people once again unchecked.

In the end some people in United States are going have to do some hard thinking is the love of the gun really worth the death of innocents?

It’s not as if the recent shooting at the Connecticut School is an isolated incident but yet another mass killing on United States soil and it is the third such incident this year alone. The other two being the Batman Premier in New York and Sikh Temple in Wisconsin.

Then all we get from some citizens of United States is long tirade of arguments that they have the right to carry guns because they need it to defend themselves and families from armed criminals, the government and so on. The best argument being well if we could carry the gun all the time we could of stopped the shooting in the first place.

None of this in the end justifies the loss of innocent lives because of the gun and in the background of the problems with medical changes made by President Obama it gives the impression that the United States and some of it’s citizens are more interested in keeping the gun than keeping people alive and healthy.

In the end it is time that the United States and it’s citizens took responsibility for their actions rather than hiding behind empty arguments to keep the gun and actually do something about what is happening as it is going to happen again if nothing is done sooner than later.

As I said to people like myself outside of United States it looks like the United States put more value on the right to bare arms than the health of their fellow citizens!

This has to be asked as the great influence the United States has had and still has on the World in general especially in the West. Add to this it has always set itself has the protector of the free people of the world fighting against those who are oppressed by governments or dictators and spreading democracy to the people with such fervour.

Then you carefully look at what the United States calls a Representative Democratic system from the outside, it looks very flawed and far from a true democratic system if anything it is a democratic system in which money not policies win the elections. Add to this the blatant way major Corporations and rich elite of American Society manipulate the electoral system to their own ends making a whole mockery of the democratic system from top down!

The first major flaw in the United States Democracy is the fact there are only two major political parties, excluding Independents, which is further maintained by way the whole political system is geared to these two parties to a point no other political parties can thrive. Every other Representative Democracy, including Canada and the United Kingdom, have more than two political parties and have political systems which allow multiple political parties to exist even extreme in their views because the Democracies embody the true ideals of political freedom.

The second major flaw in the United States Democracy is the fact that spending of the two political parties is not limited during an election which once again open doors to influence of the Corporations and the elite of America to determine the outcome of the elections rather than the candidates and political parties themselves. Elections in the United States, especially the Presidential Elections, are now not fought on policies or even politics but on who can gather the most backing from the major corporations and the elite of America. Every other Representative Democracy in the world have laws in place to make sure political parties and elections are fair and fought on policies not on who is the richest. Here in the United Kingdom we put such laws in place some 100 years ago because of open manipulation by Nobility in the political system which maintained their power beyond it time here in the United Kingdom.

The third major flaw in the United States Democracy is the use of voting machines which are maintained by a small number of Corporations who are also responsible for counting the votes themselves. This once again leaves the American Electoral system open to direct manipulation by major corporations and the elite of America. Every other Representative democracy uses paper votes with volunteers counting the papers as it has always been the most fairest and safest method to ensure a fair and clean election free from outside influence from both corporations and rich individuals.

The final major flaw in the United States Democracy is that is no one body which oversees all it electoral process from local to national level. Every other Representative Democracy, including the United Kingdom, has one official body which has the legal power to make sure elections are run fairly, political parties are funded openly and transparently, monies use by political parties during elections is audited and follows the rules. A country which runs elections without such a body overseeing all elections it beings into question the integrity and safety of the electoral process in to question.

All these major flaws in United States Democracy beings it whole system into question, it’s integrity, it’s fairness and impartiality. It leaves the whole system open to major manipulation and abuse by Corporations and the elite of America which everyone outside of the United States knows has happened. Most importantly it has lead to a democracy which does not represent the people but a democracy which puts Corporations and the elite of America first.

The most sad thing is that most Americans, especially Republicans, are very happy with this system heavily influenced by a Corporate run Media who blatantly manipulate them and their view of the world. People from outside of the United States can see this happening and tell these Americans it is happening to be met by a people who stick their heads in the sand and still believe in the American Dream. They answer with the usual rhetoric drilled into from birth by their society that United States is the greatest country and democracy in the world and the world should be grateful to the United States for saving the world from evil of Islam and Communism.

All this sounds so hollow as both within and outside of the United States can see what is happening to the American Dream and Ideals which were instilled into the fledgling United States after it won it’s independence from the United Kingdom. This to now be replaced by a Democracy and an American Dream which is so flawed which works for the corporations and the rich rather than the people as it was meant to be.

In conclusion I don’t see United States as a true Representative Democracy any more but now a corporate run state with a people who frankly too lost in a media full of propaganda from the said corporations and individuals bent on personal power at the expense of peoples freedoms. There are those who are starting to realised what is going but their voices are being lost in cacophony of the corporate media output.

Please Note: If want to view my Second Life Journal then go to the Journal of a Spectral Traveller.

Please Note: If want to view a Second Life Wikipedia then go to the Encyclopedia Umbra Machina.

Since the 9/11 terrorist attack on America the whole world may have been shocked by the attack but now are totally mystified by both the American Government and people reaction to the terrorist attack itself!

It made even more mystifying by the fact it was not the first terrorist attack on American soil because of their active Right Wing Militia groups in the United States itself who have been above bombing FBI buildings in the past!

I don’t think that anyone argues with the fact that security needed to be increased especially in United States who had got very lax about terrorists in general. Here in United Kingdom our government has to be ever vigilant to Terrorists because of the troubles in Northern Ireland so our security forces here are already geared up to finding and dealing with active Terrorists in the United Kingdom. It is a sad fact that the troubles in Northern Ireland are not over but greatly reduced but there are still a number of Terrorist groups active there which include the Real I.R.A.

So here the Muslim Terrorists are yet another group of a long list of Terrorists groups both ourselves and our government here in the United Kingdom have had to cope with so much like the rest of Europe we now take it in our stride and choose not to allow the Terrorists dominate and disrupt our lives as it is only way to deal with the Terrorists as it robs them of their aim to spread terror!

But the perception of people like myself of America’s reaction to Terrorists is that of an overreaction to their attack which has allowed the Terrorist to win as now they don’t actually have to attack America but threaten to attack America to get the same reaction from America!

In mine and other opinions is that both the American Government and People have allowed the Terrorist to win by their reaction to the terrorists both politically and through it’s media. The only reaction which was needed was for the government in United States to increase it’s security and vigilance against the Terrorist.

But what has actually happened in United States is an overreaction as allowing a government to take peoples freedom in name of security and allowing the rise of Extreme Right-Wing Christian Parties within both the media and political circles will lead to worse place than the threat of the terrorists!

Add to this it is denting the good reputation United States had in the world as the protector of the free world as after all who is going to trust the freedom of the world to a Government who currently stripping it’s peoples of basic rights and a country whose politics is becoming extreme to the Right Wing.

I think the American people should step back and really look at what their country is becoming as from where I stand it is becoming exactly the same as the countries where the terrorists come from that is countries which suppress it citizens freedom and practice religious intolerance!

If America keeps on it’s present course it will lose support and respect of the Western World especially Europe as here we know where such actions lead and we are still very sensitive and guilty about the results of our actions because we once followed the same path.

On a personal note the saddest thing is that some people will read this and not want to get what I am saying as they have allowed their fear to rule their lives. I’ve lived most of my life in fear of life itself and it really not a pleasant place to be as you in the end miss so much that is good in the world!

Please Note: If want to view my Second Life Journal then go to the Journal of a Spectral Traveller.

Please Note: If want to view a Second Life Wikipedia then go to the Encyclopedia Umbra Machina.