Archive for the ‘Work’ Category

An Excitement Muted!

Posted: 7 November, 2016 in Comment, Life, Work

In a few weeks time I will be moving stores in my job to a brand new refitted store which is a very exciting prospect as it will mean I will have a new and busier environment to work in but as always there is a but in my case.

This excitement is muted as the store and company are part of a system called Western Capitalism which I am starting lose faith in or to be more exact the store will be a visible representation of the said system.

There will always be that nagging thought that the store is part of a system which is currently is self-serving which put profits and wealth before people and basic humanity. A system whose governments are subjugating the poor, disabled and ill so their rich paymasters can hoard more money and live more opulent life styles at the expense of the masses.

Each year I work within this system it is getting harder and harder to justify why I should support it by working for it. Even the basic need to pay the bills, pay for food and pay for things just to have a social life and be part of a community as justification to keep going is starting to ware thin.

It may be I am finally growing a social conscience or I am finally starting to become a real human being but it does in the end dull the excitement of the new store opening as it is in a background of growing inhumanity of humans against humans which makes me very sad in the end.

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal scrapbook of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to Experiment No. 3.

What Happened to the Work and Life Balance?

It got conveniently forgotten in the 21st Century by those who run companies both in the United Kingdom and United States as it got in the way of the owners of the companies getting rich off the people working for them.

This regardless of the fact those people who are paid real wages and have good work and life balances are more productive workers who will make more money in the end for the companies in question.

But as always the owners of the companies and their minions are blinded by greed, power and a lack of understanding of humanity itself. Over the last few decades they have become even more remote from the society around them as they live in the Ivory Towers of their own making more obsessed with money and power that actually showing basic humanity or even sense.

I suspect this will go so far as eventually the people will smash down these peoples Ivory Towers and take back their lives and freedoms stolen from them by these people. All this wealth and power these people amassed will count for nothing or even save them as it was never real in the first place.

One thing we can take comfort from this is that all these people have the wealth and power and so called fabulous life styles but in truth the large majority of them have no real lives in the end as the biggest irony they had to put work before life to get where they are!

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal scrapbook of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to Experiment No. 3.

Something which has become more evident in our modern world are those people I work with end encounter in business who put business before people. This to a point they end up more concerned with making profits and obtain targets than people themselves down to their health both mental and physical. Add to this these same people use pressure to force people to make more money and obtain targets regardless of the fact the mental and physical damage it causes to the people in question.

Personally I find the action of these people evil and immemorial and all for what?

Something which frankly not important in the great scheme of things such as making a profit and hitting targets and it is part of something created by man himself, a construct not real as such. This is in contrast with life which is very real and something we only get one go at.

What I am saying such things are unimportant and life and it quality is far more important!

But I suspect these people who put business before people lack something inside and they have real lack of understanding of humanity and how the world around them actually works. It may not be they are necessarily evil but seam to lack basic understanding of what it is to be human!

Myself I am regarding such things as making a profit and hitting targets as unimportant to my life treating them as a game which can be a lot of fun but not the be end of all my life. I am slowly starting to regard my life and it quality of life far more important than anything else.

Some people may regard this as selfish but it is always bad thing to put work, profit and targets before actually living.

As a final point I am not against people making a profit just those who put it before anything else!

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal scrapbook of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to Experiment No. 3.

Please Note: If you are interested in my small social network just follow the link to On the Other Side!.

Just to Prove a Point!

Posted: 8 August, 2014 in Comment, Life, Work

As always with my life over the last month at work I have proved a point that you do not have to be aggressive, hard nosed and hard salesman to sell people things or make money in a retail environment.

I have in the last month have helped to turn around the fortunes of a Tech Desk in a retail store from being a mediocre performer which just got it’s targets to a Tech Desk which regulatory get it’s targets to a point it will get noticed by other stores.

I’m not blowing my trumpet here, though someone has to as most people around me still have a nasty habit of treating me as stupid even unknowingly, but the fact they way I have done it, As I said above I have not done it by being aggressive, a hard nosed salesman or even selling or charging for things customer did not need!

But by a positive attitude towards my job and customers combined with a professional attitude, honesty and transparency towards my customers. Though I combine this with attitude I am there to sell my and my colleagues skills with computers and I am not afraid to ask for the money as after all we are there to make money which is something not to be embarrassed about or should be embarrassed about.

Add to this that I have the fact I always want to give the customer the best service I can with the tools and backup I have been given which sadly not as good as it should be plus one thing I never do is treat a customer as stupid even when they have been. Basically I treat them as I would be liked to be treated in a retail environment.

The most important thing I am doing it for me firstly not the company not my managers as it strangely gives me pleasure and satisfaction that I have a good job as it has always been because of the way I was brought up.

The biggest shame in all this that not everyone who works in a similar environments have the same attitudes when doing their work as they can put money before customers as one example which sadly shows in poor customer experiences.

Oh, there is a final point I am never going to like all my customers and I am grown up enough to know there will be those people who even when we do everything right will always find something wrong but that is all very normal part of life.

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal scrapbook of mine just follow the link to Patterns in the Static!.

Please Note: If you are interested in my home page just follow the link to Experiment No. 3.

Please Note: If you are interested in my small social network just follow the link to On the Other Side!.