Archive for the ‘FlatPress’ Category

This is a gentle reminder that this journal will become a more serious journal from now on and somewhat less personal in nature. So if you want to see a more personal journal which will include more insight into my life and more personal thoughts will be in the more personal journal, Acta Spiritu Amisso, whose link is given at the bottom of all the journal entries from now on including this one.

Also feel free to leave any comments there.

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal journal of mine just follow the link to Acta Spiritu Amisso.

After resetting my main Linux Computer after which I realised I had not backed up the Acta Spiritu Amisso journal so all the previous entries were lost. Ironic really as it is one thing I keep telling customers at work is to back up their data and I failed to do it myself.

So the said journal has been set up again this time in a better location on my main Linux Computer so another reset will not remove the journal again something I should of done in the first place. This a lesson learnt.

So the journal starts again as before it will be a more personal journal than this journal and a lot of the pictures of my life will be placed in the Acta Spiritu Amisso journal leaving this journal for more serious entries and music which is a change of emphasis of this journal.

Wish me luck as the journal starts again!

Please Note: If you are interested in a more personal journal of mine just follow the link to Acta Spiritu Amisso.

While I was looking for either blogging software or software to display my WordPress blog entries on my home page I stumbled on an Open Source Blogging Engine called FlatPress which is still under development which claimed to allow blogging without the setting up of a database.

So I thought I would try it on my Linux Computer here to find it was every easy to set up, easy to customise and more importantly even for piece of software still in development it was remarkably stable bar a few minor glitches. Though it is still early days in using it but it looks like the software has a great potential for those who simply want to host a blog on their own web server without the hassle of setting up a database.

So far I would recommend it for people like myself who want to host a blog on their own server at home just because of it ease of deployment and customisation.

Myself I am currently using the software in a more personal blog off my home page mostly as a test and somewhere where I can express myself a bit more than here.

The following are the links to both the FlatPress Home Page and my new blog:

FlatPress Home Page:

Acta Spiritu Amisso: