Archive for the ‘Glitch’ Category

Glitch in the System!

Posted: 20 October, 2011 in Computer, Glitch, On-Line Game

I have encountered the online game called Glitch via the social web site Plurk which I have found ever so slightly addictive but a lot of fun.

Basic premise of the game you are exploring the minds of a number of giants which have created a wonderful world to explore full of humour and interesting places to explore. The game play is very simple in so much you learn skills, explore and do quests for usual thing money, experience points and awards but there is an major element of social interaction which is always a big bonus with such games.

This social side changes Glitch from yet another online game to something little more as personally such games need a social side to make them special and give them a great appeal to a lot of people.

Personally I would recommend Glitch as it makes a nice way to spend a few spare hours epecially if you have friends there.

If you want to find out more or join Glitch then go to the link

Please note: If want to see my second life journal then go to the Journal of a Spectral Traveller.