Journal of a Lost Soul Part CLV

Posted: 1 November, 2011 in Journal, Life

So far it has been a mixed week of problems and good news so already an eventful emotionally. Though the problem is really not that serious and most probably due to sibling rivalry something I unfortunately have to cope with on a regular basis. Though now it is causing myself less problems because I’m taking my medication.

This problem is far out weighed by the good news so much at least my job is relatively safe over Christmas and the New Year which is a rarity now because of the economic situation here. Plus I suspect it will settle things at work for a while until the next little crisis they will concoct there. Plus it will stop the various stories at work which have been dragging down everyone moral or generally winding everyone up.

It is getting near the 6 weeks of me taking my anti-depressants so they should be starting to kick in big time and beyond the time they will potentially make me feel ill. So now it will be the start of me actually getting better though I am still in two minds if I actually need to talk to a Mental Health Nurse to talk over things. I soon will know over the next few months.

So with usual problems it looks like things next year my actually start to move forward.

Please note: If want to see my second life journal then go to the Journal of a Spectral Traveller.

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